Writers know that readers come to the page for meaning, depth and insight, a fact that has short-circuited many a writer. (“Why even try?” an internal voice may whisper, “I’ve got nothing to say.”) But insight is not what goes into a piece of writing—it is what comes out of it.
What goes into a piece of writing is work. Just as, when climbing a mountain, we first need to do some work (climbing) before it is possible to stop and take in the view (insight), writing needs to be worked before it can yield insight. That insight—the trustworthy view we end up with, which is nothing we could have begun with—is known as extraordinary seeing.
In Part 6 of the Free-Writing Intensive, participants will be shown innovative and delightful ways to lay the ground for extraordinary seeing. As with other versions of this class, one of the by-products will be generating a volume of new material. You need not have taken other sessions of this class to take this one.