Bio — Diana Goetsch
photo: Svetlana Jovanovich

photo: Svetlana Jovanovich


Diana Goetsch is an American poet and essayist, author of eight poetry collections, the acclaimed memoir This Body I Wore, and dozens of features and columns. Her work has appeared in The New Yorker, Poetry, The Gettysburg Review, LitHub, Tricycle, The American Scholar, The Washington Post, The LA Times, The Chicago Tribune, Best American Poetry and The Pushcart Prize. Her honors include fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, the New York Foundation for the Arts, Yaddo, and the Grace Paley Teaching Fellowship at The New School.

Diana Goetsch possesses one of the most enviable gifts of poetry—the elasticity and warmth of a genuine human voice.
— Tony Hoagland

The New York Times Book Review pronounced Goetsch’s prose “achingly beautiful.” Other reviewers have called it “enthralling,” “exquisite,” “hilarious,” “harrowing” and “wise.” Tony Hoagland said she possessed “one of the most enviable gifts of poetry—the elasticity and warmth of a genuine human voice,” while B.H. Fairchild calls her “one of the most comically serious, hip poets we have.”

Goetsch is a renowned teacher and sought after presenter. Her ongoing Actually Writing class has attracted a worldwide following. She’s been featured on Fresh Air with Terry Gross, The New York Times Book Review Podcast, and at numerous conferences and panels.


Speaking inquiries: Kevin O’Connor

Publicity: Sarah Haeckel (Picador USA)

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